For walking the dog? Nothing to be proud of. It’s Talia you should be proud of. We covered 2.25 miles which is the furthest she’s ever gone with me and even on the field near my house she was still running around off the lead. The first week I got her she was knackered after about a third of that distance. It was really nice to see her enjoying herself off the lead and playing fetch with her ball and chasing butterflies.

However I am absolute shattered and we stopped half way to just sit and enjoy the surroundings. Been chatting a lot about where I grew up the past couple of days and realised just how much I miss heading out to the middle of nowhere with just nature for company. I’m fortunate enough to have the woods around me and although it’s not the same as country lanes farms and canals I’m still pretty lucky to have nice surrounding even is I do live on a council estate.