Find all the pictures of women he masturbates to in his history haha. Im not actually sure anymore which is the problem. It started out as the lying but now its just the whole thing thats a problem. And I cant help it no matter how much I try it is the only thing on my mind whilst Im at home.
And Im going to sound really stupid here but I have no idea what a union is?
I also found out today that work was supposed to offer me a pension or a pension scheme or something? Apparently it is the law for me to have a pension. Im not sure how true that is but ive never been offered or spoken to about any form of pension at all.
Im sorry I feel like Im being such a hassle and I shouldnt be sharing my problems when theres people far worse off than me. I feel so guilty for posting this now. Feel free to ignore it haha I know im such a hassle