Wow, so many shows I remember so fondly already mentioned. When I first got online and found You-tube, I went on a nostalgia trip, watching loads of theme tunes and clips I never thought I'd see again.
Let's Pretend, Tea bag and T-shirt, Chockablock, no.73, Wackaday, Mighty Mouse, Superted, Moomins, Rentaghost, Dangermouse, Ox tales, duck tales, Gummi bears, Bananaman, loads more...
Joined a site called
Jarre, I've got Ulysses on dvd, Stella, I nearly bought Chocky too - so mesmerising and strange.

Stuff I would still watch as a grown up: Dr who, the box of delights, children of green knowe. (I've got the first series of Tripods, although they never finished it.)