My mum also died of lung cancer - died 10 days after diagnosis and too weak to be operated on.
Was with my dad when he died of dementia and old age.
A friend of mine who was a cancer nurse died of breast cancer - she always told me that if she got any cancer of any kind - she would NEVER have treatment because the treatment can and does kill before the cancer.
She had over 40 years experience being a cancer nurse and when diagnosed she spent time doing what she wanted before becoming too ill.
I too believe that I don’t want to spend time in hospital - no matter what I’ve got wrong with me!!!
Believe that we should have euthanasia here in the uk. Humans are made to suffer.
Watching mum suffer was horrendous - no painkillers worked, it was in the drip and didn’t work. I’ve worked as a carer and seen people die.

I’ve been through all different types of counselling - the last sessions was told that counselling doesn’t work for some people.
Just feel doomed and have given up on life.