Today was a weird one. It started abit "Off" and kept going weirdly and hilariously sideways till this point, where I sit in my bed, telling you guys about it with my Phone.

I woke up, with a banging head ache. I can't find my glasses, so blind as a workmans shoe, I went to kitchen to look for painkillers. I tipped over something, and found myself in a corner of our hallway, unharmed but abit irritated. I squat to see what was the thing that made me have an unauthorized tapdance session in hallway, seeing Floppy begging for treats. That rotten thing! I grabbed the bunny and went to get him a carrot. I got Coffee brewing, or at least I thought so. I tried to find those painkillers, but without my glasses I had to pull every pill botle out one by one, and squint my eyes to see the text. I found what I was looking for, and turned around to see the Coffee. Nada. I had forgot to push the power button. Using some "speech enhancers" I got that darn thing on, and started making sandwiches. That went oddly good, only mishap I had was with pickles, I managed to spill some of that vinegar water from the jar. No biggie. Now that Coffee. Or. No Coffee. Pot was empty, because I forgot the water. More enhanced speech, and water in the brewer. I turned around to see the cat eating ham from Le Dudes sandwich. Loud noises. Chasing the cat away, and I got a New slice of ham, and got mugs for Coffee. Coffee in the cups, and then Milk. Well. Without glasses, I poured buttermilk in my Coffee. Abit more enhanced vocabulary, and New Coffee in that mug, with Milk this time. I checked the carton twice to be sure. I start making my way back to bedroom with Coffee mugs and sandwiches, hearing the rascal bunny following me. I panicked abit, wondering if I will tip over his fluffy butt again. I didn't. But that cat was sittin on the bed, waiting for a New sacrifice. This time he got my cheese. When I finally had my breakfast in bed, Le dude looked at me, and asked if I was aware of my slippers being in wrong feet. No Wonder I felt funny walking. After all that mr Bean styled morning, I managed to Park our van so badly, Le dude had to help me, since I was too ticked Off to try to get it out in reverse. Then I broke half a dozen of eggs, because I sneezed, and the egg carton slipped from my hand. I also found my hand cream very sticky. Well. It was my sons hair gel. And now, here I am, laughing like an idiot, because I have had so dorky day wit all these "oh sh*t-moments", that tomorrow can only be better. Even being monday.