Quote Originally Posted by Paula View Post
Well, as requested by the doctor, I’ve been upping my fluid intake. Thursday I had 4.5l, yesterday 5l. Is it possible to drown that way??? I never realised how hard it is to drink that much lol.

It’s been a long, long time since my thyroid was as low as it is (not since I had to have the radioactive iodine treatment that destroyed my thyroid) - I’d forgotten, but apparently it could take up to 6 weeks for the change in dose to make a change in the symptoms. Looking back, I should have realised there was an issue - low mood, cold all the time, struggling not to gain weight, dry skin, damaged nails, exhausted, aching. I mean, duh!
It was most of the symptoms you had that made me see the doc before I went into hospital. I was convinced it was my thyroid, so they did a blood test and my thyroid readings plummeted and everything else went haywire too which triggered an investigation..the rest is history..however I had a blood test last Tuesday week and wasn't contacted by a dr. with the results so I'm assuming all is back to normal. Having hypothyroidism sucks doesn't it, but blimey, how do you manage to drink that much? You'd be better getting in the bath, not pulling the plug and drinking the contents 'til you're dry!!