This week is definitely brighter than the last lot of weeks. I feel calmer and more together. I'm more productive and feel like I'm taking control.
Before I started the WRAP course I was sceptical and even after the first week I was still a bit unsure but applying it is helping me a lot.
Eg before I would have been slinking back into bed unmotivated and no desire to do much
Today I was up, got Io out, came home, straight into yoga, a shower, washed and blow dried my hair, breakfast and psychology appointment. I have a Masaman curry bubbling away for tonight's dinner and I have a plan for today that feels good and more importantly, achievable. I'm not boasting but just shocked at the difference it's making.
Applying the principles day in day out is helping to lift my mood as well.

We all know the saying, Its ok not to be ok...... I've had a bit added on the end,
It's ok not to be ok, but dont get stuck.
Its helping me to remember that each choice I make, no matter how I feel, will either help me fight or compound how I feel.