Hi, thanks again for your lovely responses - I spent most of the morning in bed and then got up and had a late breakfast and had to have a nap after taking my Venlafaxine as it made me tired.

I am reading a self help book on depression which I hope will be helpful.

I had to go and get prescriptions - I also have Diazepam to help with my anxiety and some Zopiclone also to help me sleep as and when needed.

I am finding my days off work go in quite quickly. I have signed up to Disney plus to watch The Simpsons (I stopped watching at Season 23 almost 9 years ago so have many episodes to catch up on!). I am also reading a Stephen King book too and have a stack of DVD films to watch.

The Samaritans are a wonderful organisation - I have been in regular contact with them through email in the last 3 months. I have also signed up to donate to them on a regular basis.