Hunni do you think I'm a drug addict? I take Pregabalin, fexofenadine, sukkarto, losarto, indomethacin, paracetamol, have codine too and others and cbd oil too..... I take in total somewhere between 20 and 26 different tablets a day and cbd oil... It doesn't mean anything against me apart from that I need them to be able to function. I take them split into 4 doses a day + 2 cbd doses. Yes the pregabalin I am physically addicted to, but it doesn't make me any less of a person.

Right now you are going to be struggling because of all the changes you've made. I really, really think your best option is to go back on the dose you were prescribed, allow yourself time to heal and to stabilise - it might take 4 weeks, it might take 6 months or 6 years.... The time isn't important. You just have to stop seeing the meds as the enemy. They aren't. They are there to help. As has been said, you wouldn't have been prescribed them if your doctor didn't think you needed them.
Also, stress, lack of sleep (I imagine your sleep has been rubbish as you've been worrying about all this and with the changes of dose) will all have a negative impact on you and your mood....