With it being Autism awareness month next month I've decided to write something which will hopefully make those who have known me a long time and think that it's impossible for me to be on the spectrum something to think about. To recognise that it's always been there but they just never put the clues together. Thats if anybody actually bothers to read it. I'm probably wasting my time but I just want people who supposedly care about me to accept that this is real and just because I don't have serious learning difficulties, a low IQ or non verbal doesn't mean I don't have it. It's mad that you am expected to prove that I have the condition despite an official diagnosis. I'm too clever, or too sociable, or too normal.

I know you probably find it amusing that I was so adament that I couldn't possibly be on the spectrum and now I'm trying to convince people that I am. I guess I'm trying to educate others who are as ignorant as I once was. It's not a bad word, it's not scary, it just explains why I am the way I am and I guess I want people to think about all the times I've said or done something wrong, and they thought I was just being difficult for the sake of it, that I wasn't. I just see things in a different way and express myself honestly. I say what I think rather than think what I say and often it's not until others react to it that I even realise it could be taken the wrong way. Oh what am I telling you guys for? You already know this and I genuinely appreciate the way you handle me. I step out of line and you call me out on it. Paula is especially good at telling me off and I love you for it

I need to find entertainment before I die of boredom. Sorry for boring you lot with my drivel.