Thanks for all the responses and suggestions. i've been on venlafaxine for around 16 months or so. Ive only been off them for 3 weeks. Previously id been on sertraline but after a few months i got. aliitte annoyed then obsessed and exasperated with some of the side effects. I was then put on mitrazapine which worked well for sleep but not for weight but the killer was athralgia which got worse and worse so i couldny pull a handbrake or hold a knife properly. eventually igot moved onto venlafaxine by secondary health services.

whilsi i had work i could get by and whilst i knew the situation is not sustainable long term i could put it to the back of my mind while i go therapy etc. I even planned what to do when i ran out of work but it hasnt worked.Now that i am unemployed i tell myself that it is the wrong time of year and things will pick up but i suppose my self esteem is so low and what little i had for years was based on being a "useful" member of society that going for weeks on end with no work makes me feel like i have to confront the fact that ive wasted my life and ed it up through poor decisions or lack of clear goals or desires and i dont think that any chemical i put in my brain is going to change that.

My abcess' are no longer painful one formed aroundca root canal and the other stopped hurting after a few months. I assumed the infection has killed the tooth.

Ive thought about going back to the gp but i think they will struggle to be effective in the 10 mins they have. Part of me despairs that anything can be done. I need some stability or a plan to turn things around but i dont trust myself. In hindsight every decision i have made for years has made things worse not better.