Hi Layla, I’ve added a trigger warning to your thread, it’s nothing to worry about but just ensures any other members who may find certain subjects triggering are warned

Sweetie, you are NOT a burden and it would never be convenient to anyone who cares about you for you to end it all. Yes, you’re in a very difficult situation right now but there is always a way through.

First, if you haven’t already, please, please talk to your doctor. You need support and that is the first step to finding that support. Second, we’ve listed a number of gambling helplines here http://www.dealingwithdepression.co....UK-amp-Ireland and here http://www.dealingwithdepression.co....buse-worldwide which may help you. Please contact them, they know how to help you. Third, if you’re in the U.K., contact Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/. They may be able to help you with dealing with your debts