Bit of a rollercoaster day today. Had someone drop by to buy some pottery they spent about £30 and ordered a cow..... What with the new customer who ordered 12 yesterday that means I need 84 to fulfil all my orders by the end of January and that does not include people who said they would like to buy one when I have some available.
This afternoon I was a little disappointed to find we did not make the final cut for coast v county. They decided to concentrate on the couples desire to find somewhere they could run a glamping site and left out Mags' desire to find somewhere she could do a creative hobby like pottery. However it is probably for the best, I don't think I could cope with much more business.
Tonight I ran the first of my one off workshops on making Christmas decorations, it went well. In the new year i might run more short workshops. Not only does it help financially it is also good advertising as people come, have a go and find out that they would like to do more. Very tired tonight it's been a full on week with 3 two hour private classes and another one at 5.30 tomorrow. However next week is shutdown week (or as H wrote out on the calender without thinking, breakdown week, she may be right) I have promised dad I will take him to slimbridge wildfire trust on Monday, I do like the reserve but it's a long drive and I have a lot to do next week. I sometimes wish that my brothers would do more.