Thank you all very much, it's really good to be able to write it down for a start and to know that we are not alone with this. We moved from an english speaking country, and she has Cystic Fibrosis, which has gotten worse over the last year, and which is adding to the depression. At the weekend I got quite upset when I found out that she feels like she is disappointing me and that she is useless, which is not how I feel at all.
She has spoken to her hospital staff and the psychologist there, and she is asking for her medication to be reviewed because it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference (fluoxetine,40). I think I will tell her about this site, I just hope she won't think that I went behind her back which I would never do, but maybe writing it down will help her too for a start. Seriosuly, thank you so much for the warm welcome