Quote Originally Posted by Sissy View Post
Whatever makes you push through another day. I forgot to take my morning meds today, and because of that I have been a hot emotional mess gone hell and back. I spilled my coffee and cried for 15 minutes solid. I hate my bad days, but my kids and bf keep supporting. Today they had alot to deal with, luckily it is 7pm here and soon I can go to sleep and stop being a nightmare. People who deserve to be In your life will give you the room your emotional low points take, and will give you their time and support when you need it.
I have days like that. Sometimes I wish I could just skip a day and wake up tomorrow.

I'm glad you've got supportive family. I've only recently started a new relationship and am so frightened of scaring her away. So far, so good as she didn't freak out when I told her I suffer with depression.