Morning Suzi!

Crash! Hehehe.... Oh, dear! Is he behaving today? I hope so!

How are you feeling today?

My tum is on the mend! Just my body adjusting to trying to work and all.

Had a great day yesterday though! Went to Church, made a load of red hot carrot chutney and painted a pot and picked up some thank you gifts for the hospital staff.

Been to Church again today and I'm just off home to make 'Terry's Chocolate Orange Marmalade' and 'Jam-aican me crazy tropical fruit jam' for my stall. I'm painting three girly pots then this evening to be used as make-up/bath smellies holders for my stall.

No news on the job interview front yet. If I don't hear by Friday, I don't think I will have gotten the women's aid one. Closing date for the other I applied for as a playworker assistant in the prison is the 11th November. Sent one for a local nursery today and one for a homeless hostel where I used to volunteer! Fingers crossed something good comes soon.

Have a lovely day Suzi xx