Quote Originally Posted by Suzi View Post
Why are you going out and "got absolutely off my trolley"? Alcohol is not going to help depression at all. You really aren't helping yourself in this respect at all.

No GP will only prescribe 4 anti d's when there are so many on offer.
I was plannin to only drink orange juice but 1 beer led to another. I had like 2 dbbl whiskey & coke & 3 half lagers so I was just the right side of merry.

I don't endorse alcohol in any way but last night was 1 of the best nights out I've had in ages. In fact the last 2 weeks for me have felt so liberating for me socially. Last night I went out at 12 midnight & came home at 7am, dancin to great music.

The kiss I shared with someone was an amazing feelin as well because their was a spark there & natural chat. I nearly got into a fight though with my cousin by the end of the night which was ashame. He assumed I was filmin him when I was simply wavin my phone in my hand.

I've def seen his true colours now, he's vile. He's the type to brag about trying to get 'laid' & he loves to brag how physically bigger he is than me. Even brags about his mcdonalds job to me like I care. He has the personality of a brick so lies about havin sex & stuff .

If u've read this wall of text congratulations. Oh ye to Paula I'm sorry if anythin was taken out of context. I know were ur comin from & I hope u know wr I was comin from .