Hi, thanks for your ideas and understanding. My husband moved the treadmill into the dining room out of the garage last weekend and I'm really trying to go on it every day for at least 15mins (managed 3 X last week as feeling down got in the way a bit as I had a bad episode on Monday when I foolishly ran t of my tablets so this week not been the week for trying too hard if you know what I mean). I don't feel comfortable going out of the house for a walk yet, I'm so obese and uncomfortable I'm too embarrassed to be seen, but my plan is to try once I've lost a bit of weight and feel fitter from the treadmill. Ive cut down on my bread intake and generally eating better foods but found some crunchie nut cornflakes in the cereal cuboard last night and had a huge bowl this was after I'd had some weetabix too so even if I don't get the crisps and biscuits in I will still find something if I'm weak! I will give the colouring books ago (I'm not too good at knitting or crocheting) I do have s a couple and some pencil crayons. Not a good day today I'm a bit all over the place haven't been able to sleep like I normally do as there's some building work going on and lots of dogs barking everywhere. I'm still in my Pjs , husband has taken my son over to his Nannas. Thanks again for being there. Xxx