Apologies to any Scottish people here but I'd love to put the SNP into Room 101. I don't know about every single member of the party but they were led previously by one of the biggest moaners ever and now by someone equally as moany. Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon are champion moaners and are never happy with anything that they get. They are like spoilt children who have everything they desire but still say it's not enough.
There was one who also made vile, abusive tweets to Charles Kennedy after he lost his seat at the General Election and shortly before he sadly lost his battle with alcoholism mainly because he was against Scottish Independence. Some of them are pathetic fanatics who ought to have a long hard look at themselves.
Sorry if this has become too much of a rant - I've just seen Salmond and Sturgeon on the news today and hearing their moany voices is too much for me at times.