oh yes I know, I can't go out to eat on my own either - I don't mind going out for coffee/sandwich on my own during the day with a book or something though, but not for a proper dinner, I would find it really lonely! it is a bit scarey going on a meet up on your own - but I've done it a few times now with different groups....and really it is fine, as everyone else is in the same boat. When you join the website, you create a 'profile' (you don't have to put much on it) but everyone else has got one, and when you join a group and accept an invite to something it shows everyone else who has RSVP'd for that event' so you know who is going (although some people cancel or something at the last minute), and there is also conversation board so you can chat before you go or ask the events organiser something; or message people privately. Actually a few times I made arrangements with a couple of ladies to meet outside the venue , so I didn't have to go in alone. But it really is fine, nothing to be wary of - its really popular and lots of people do it, so I'd definitely recommend it if you are looking for social activities to do with others - you might find a new hobby!