ye i'm just f k n sick of people like my mums friends tellin me to 'get out there & socialise!'. I'm 25 now, I get it, I need to sort myself out whatever that means. I know they mean well but I can't just magic friends from pixie dust. People have always liked me as a person yet I've no friends just acquaintances, how does that work out!? . I despise seein couples through sheer envy of what I desperately desire . Without videogames I would probably feel suicidal or more outgoing I dunno. They offer me an escape just like working does, best therapy I have tbh..

I'm still on 20 fluxotine & that makes me drowsy enough so I don't really want to up it. I think they work but its hard to tell. If I was actively making progress then I'm sure they'd be more effective.