Quote Originally Posted by Tommy_85 View Post
Hi Penguin mate, read your post and just want to offer my support to you. I'm a 34 year old male, suffer with depression and social anxiety. I myself am very unfulfilled in life as well.
Have almost no social life, hardly anything that interests or stimulates me and feel so apathetic and useless in life. I think you've shown yourself to be very dedicated and strong willed in many ways- to of kept up with weight training /bodybuilding since the age of 16 till now is very impressive. Throughout my life I have never really kept to a hobby or interest and give up on things very easily. Also to work solidly for 10 years at a job you do not get fulfilment from shows a hell of a lot of grit and staying power. Things seem to be very hard for you and I really feel for what you're going through. Best wishes to you, feel free to contact me.
Thanks a lot for that mate, a few things you pointed out there did actually make me feel a little better too. Thanks to everyone else as well for the suggestions and support, I appreciate it all.

In regards with what you have said Tommy I do feel really bad as I'm in no position to give advice. I really wish I was. What keeps me going at the moment is knowing how my mum and brother would feel if I did something stupid, its the easy way out for us all and I'd only be leaving them with even more to cope with which i know is wrong.

If you don't mind me asking do you know what has caused your feelings, like was there a significant event or has it just been how your brain functions? What frustrates me is that I know I have a lot to be grateful for yet I still can't seem to be.