Thank you Angepange for your thoughtful message, I'm currently coming off sertraline to try fluoxetine, still got a couple of weeks left of sertraline at the moment. I've never tried any natural or herbal but I would be very interested to hear what you find as I'd love to not have to take medication, I've not tried meditation but I find going out walking helps a lot. Oldmike, a zero waste shop is where you can buy dried good like pasta and herbs and things without the nasty plastic packaging (I'm becoming very eco friendly at the moment and trying to eliminate plastic from my life as much as possible) I managed to get everything I needed which was good but unfortunately because it's run by volunteer students they're closing for the summer now. There is another similar shop in the town centre that I went in though and they're very friendly and helpful. I've had a very good day today, just a wee bit stressed as Lena has had a massive clear out and all her stuff is currently clogging my living room while i try and sort out what to do with it all!