Hello Paula.

Yes sure. What happened is I had 2 incidents at work within a month. Both times I lost my temper and swore and used abusive language and also raised my voice. One situation was with a supervisor and the other with a work colleague.

The problem is, the environment I worked in was a food production place and it was akin to a factory environment. Alot of the people who worked there had been there years and were used to behaving a certain way and getting away with or a blind eye being turned to it. As a newcomer to the workplace I felt that the older staff were neither patient with newcomers and also felt they could intimidate, boss around new staff like myself whilst also being abit of a skiver at the same time. The skiving mentality there was endemic and engrained.

With my stress levels and anxiety and possible BPD it was only a matter of time till I snapped and I did big time. I am not proud of my actions of course as it also portrays me as the bad guy and those individuals as victims.

I took measures to combat my stress by reducing my hrs there to part time, telling management and supervisors I was stressed and attending a stress management course also.