I really do appreciate the support guys even though ur all practically strangers . My sleep has been fkd up for years because of how constantly anxious I am. I've always been a recluse because I've always struggled to make friends. I have acquaintances at work but no1 I can visit or hang out with. Im 24 & all my life i've constantly been in my room 24/7 (except for college etc). I'm surprised i've not had a breakdown! . Its pathetic that I'm clinically depressed over somethin so trivial.

I'm fully aware that its down to me to change my life as it is with any1. My mums friends always tell me to 'get out there!' but its like who with!?. I do go clubbin etc with my cousin & her mates but thats like 1ce every fortnight. I can't even face goin sleep in my dark room, thts how painfully lonely I feel. Startin to well up again now ..