Ok here we go, you have the pattern for 2 squares so far

Square 3. Have you made a 3x3 square of double crochet yet? If not give it a go. Do a 3 inch chain add 2 chain to the end to turn and do a double crochet into each chain for foundation row, 2 chain to turn and continue until you have a 3 x 3 square.

Square 4. Make a 3x3 in trebles as well.

TSquare 5 lets look at half trebles.

Make a length of foundation chain, pass yarn round hook, miss 2 chain and inset hook under top 2 threads of the third chain from the hook. Pull a loop through (3loops on hook) pull a loop through all 3 loops on the hook (one loop left on hook). One half trebel has now been worked work one half treble into each chain till the end, 2 chain and turn.

Working rows. Miss 1st half treble, work 1 half treble into the 2 top threads of each half treble to end, 2 chain and turn. repeat till you have your 3x3 square.