hehe sorry about that just needed to vent in a safe environment . I'm tired of being let down. It was a blessin anyway because tonight i've spent serious research time on how to work through this horrible black hole of depression & anxiety. I've gathered notes but its just putting into practice. Here are some lifestyle changes I think will be helpful to improve mood over-time:

- Take steps to resolve stresses
- Talk to others/Get Support
- Exercise
- Fit fun rewardin activities in2 day
- Relaxation
- General - Eat well/Sleep well/Vitamin D

I'm gonna try my very best to work on each 1 of these because I want a better quality of life. Easier said than done I know . The key is to work on these REGARDLESS of how u feel. It adds up overtime to counteract the misery ur feeling.
U can either sink or swim basically .