thanks for your replies everyone , sorry i forgot to mention i have been on sertraline 100mg for nearly 15 years on its own , and tbh I have been ok but always seem to
relapse in to depression usually once a year for periods from 1 month up to 3 months , always get better eventually but really affects any job i have . so for the past
15 years i manage to get a job keep it for a while , even get commendations for my work , but i always know depression is just around the corner . Everything starts to become difficult , even communicating with others , then out of the blue to any employer i quit . Switch my mobile off and don't even go out till i feel ready . The quetiapine should hopefully
help me live a reasonably normal life and stay well for work . The bipolar diagnosis is rescent and the doctor says the quetiapine is more suitable than sertraline .
sorry to go on a bit , it is refreshing talking to other people who understand from experience . thank you all .