This dish is popular at BBQs!
Ingredients: Olive oil or vegetable oil, 1 reasonable size aubergine, spinach leaves, tin of chopped tomatoes, tin of tomato puree, basil pesto, mozarella (or really any cheese that melts) optional: cream cheese, fresh basil, dried basil, cumin, chilli
You will need: a deep dish about 30cm long suitable for oven cooking, and a wok or large nonstick saucepan.

Preheat the oven to 180.
Slice the aubergine quite thinly and add to the wok/saucepan, fry off with plenty of olive oil/vegetable oil, salt and pepper and sprinkle optional spices or herbs (basil, cumin and chilli, or all three) and fresh basil.
Add a couple of spoons of basil pesto and about 4 spoons of tomato puree and mix well so the aubergine is covered in the mixture. Add the chopped tomatoes, a few handfuls of spinach leaves and mix well, adding approx half a pint of water. Optional: stir in two large spoonfuls of cream cheese.
Let them mixture simmer for about 5-10 mins while your prepare your cheese for the topping.
Pour the mixture into the dish and add the cheese to the top. Add some fresh basil to the top.
Bake in the oven for 10-20mins until the cheese is brown.

You can also do this with pasta... add dried pasta at the same time as the spinach and be sure that the pasta is soft before putting into the oven.