Hi all. I went out to Norfolk yesterday to visit an Arts and Crafts style house and garden. They were grade 1 listed. I had real problems keeping hydrated yesterday. Apart from drinking plenty of water as soon as I had the beginnings of a headache I took paracetamol. I felt a bit sicky so around 6.pm I had a snack of some fruit and a piece of cake. Having something to eat, the water and the paracetamol helped stave off any bad lithium side effects. We stopped at a service station on the way home and I bought another bottle of water which kept me going until I got home. My sister who does not take lithium buys the child size bottles of water and drunk one of them. She then wonders why her ankles swell and she feels tired? I didn't need to use the coach loo but I would have done if the need had arisen.