Quote Originally Posted by Aspasia View Post
For me it's getting lost in a good book, so lost the characters are more real than I am in a way. I find it helps because I can let my emotions out but sort of feel it's through them or for them, itms? I can cry and be happy and go through the range of emotions a good book provides, and it's very cathartic and lets me feel more emotionally stable when I close the book, as though I've sort of used up the surplus emotion in my system and am more on an even keel again. Is that odd?

I also used to enjoy, and am just getting into again, creating computer art such as forum signatures etc.

I also play games, I used to play a major online game but found it was becoming too much of a time sink and no longer healthy for me. Nowadays I tend to play lighter ones, and non-real time ones.

This is exactly me! I feel the exact same about reading and I had to give up my games as they were really taking over. I know play games that aren't so intrusive