Start new job on Monday! Although I'm excited....I'm also a little scared now! They've sent me 3 week rota and the majority of it is theatre work....which, again, I'm excited about but I also have my head telling me I'm not good enough, I'm going to mess up, they aren't going to like me, I'm not going to be able to do it etc etc....and I think it's because I haven't done any theatre work since Nov 2022! Hopefully, once I get into it properly, I'll be better....not completely better, because I don't think that feeling of not being good enough will ever go away! I need to give myself a real pep talk....Monday is an induction day, I have Tuesday I'll speak to therapist before starting properly in theatre on Wed...I'm hoping she can help and get me to challenge the way I'm thinking and how I think other people will think of me. It's exhausting! What can I do for myself to help with all this? Any ideas?