Not long got the bad news about the MOT. I knew I needed a new tyre and a brake pipe replaced but my rear suspension bushes need replacing which isn’t the best job. To get her back up and running it’s gonna cost me £300. Looks like the new bed I was saving up for is going to have to wait. Happy Birthday to me

The girls at darts have been celebrating birthdays and I did say I didn’t want any fuss and asked to be left out when my time came. Last week they said about a “team building” day on Monday and as captain I got to choose either crazy golf or bowling. I’m clearly not as dumb as they think I am cos it was obviously going to be a birthday celebration for me. I told them I couldn’t do Monday. That’s my polite way of saying I don’t want to attend my own surprise party. We’ve got darts tonight, a knock out comp so they will have to settle for my company in a crappy pub instead.