Hi everyone. I hope you are as well as can be.

I've been really struggling with my mood/depression.

I'm struggling to cope with my mood and don't know what to do

Ever since New Year my mood has absolutelyplummeted, yes part of it I'm sure is the Januaryblues but I haven't felt this low for 6 months. I live alone and am socially very isolated. Yesterday was my dad's birthday. He passed away a few years ago. We were very close and I think my grief is unresolved. I just want to talk to him. I've had tears today which is unusual for me, I don't mind saying. I lit a candle and wrote a note to him.

I'm also on a stimulant withdrawal, lots of caffeine Yesterday, it was my sisters birthday. Now I'm on a crash. I've also had anxiety break through. I'm going to talk to gp tomorrow I think my ADs need doubling. I have low dose diazepam.

I talked to someone on the NHS mh helpline earlier. I'm also food and sleep deprived. I'm just looking for some coping mechanisms anyone can suggest, I'm having intrusive negative thoughts.

Thanks for reading...
