As part of my CBT homework am I supposed to write at least one positive point down each day and then say what positive qualities that shows I have. Eg putting on washing machine shows I'm organised and determined. Etc. It doesn't have to be big. I admit I'm not so good at doing this every day but I do try to do it and sometimes fill in a few days at once.
Today I'm in agony. I've spent all morning in bed and didn't get dressed till around 2. I've increased dosage of carbamazepine from 200 to 400mg and decreased the nortriptyline from 60 to 50mg in the last 3 days. I expected to have some side effects. But I'm feeling really down with it. I just taken out my crochet to try to focus on something. I find crochet is a really good distraction technique. It's helped me so much and I love seeing the finished products. I'm trying small projects for now to help me focus more and get the satisfaction quicker. I've made a few cards and I'm hoping to make one today.