Doing okay for now. He said he does not want to drink anymore, but that is just one step on the road to recovery. Not wanting to drink is not quite tha same as wanting to quit drinking completely. He says he does not want to drink anymore. I have seen him being able not to. Problems has been, he never said before he does not want to drink again. So I try to support him on his way, but he has to take all those steps by him self. And People he works with now all worry me. All are Heavy drinkers, and I fear company will get him to slip. But what can I do, other than see this through? He knows I won't stay with him unless he keeps going to clinic, meeting nirses, doctors and other addicts trying to get better. I love this person more than my own life. So it hirts when I have to think about what happens if he grabs the bottle again.