I followed it up with this post this afternoon, sharing some information from Mind..

Be warned: This does talk about suicide and suicidal feelings. Following the interview with Oprah, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle yesterday Mind
have produced these brilliant ideas for helping you talk to someone who is dealing with suicidal feelings. I know that this is emotive, so please remember that someone who may be reading this could be at crisis point. Please be mindful of your comments.

**If you are in crisis point, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get some proper emergency help. You will be taken seriously and you aren't "just attention seeking" or anything negative. There are organisations all over the world who can listen and can help. Call 999, or 911 in an emergency. Your life is important. You are wanted and needed.

If you follow this link you will find some of their ideas as infographics: https://www.facebook.com/mindforbett...58838281078614