Something a lot of us do is look at other people and see the succes and how well they are doing. But a lot of the times its what they want to show to the rest. We dont see the struggles they have. Or the mental health issues they are struggling with. And there will be people that look to you and say wow she has got it made. Getting a good education and good job. She has hobbies she wants to persue.

People have told me that they think I have talent. But all I see is failure.
So I think its best to look at ourselfs and just do. There is a person I follow online and he said once. If you wait around for motivation it will not happen by magic. But if you start the motivation will grow and be there.
This is all easier said then done. But give it a go. If you want to write then go ahead and write. It does not have to be perfect the first go. Just write whats in your head.

I think you are capable of a lot.