Hi, thanks so much for your lovely responses.

I have been on Venlafaxine for just over 7 weeks - two weeks on 37.5 mg, the next two weeks on 75 mg, the next three weeks on 150 mg and from this week 225 mg. My GP says it can be increased further but only under the supervision of a psychiatrist.

With regards to returning to work I would dearly love to return soon - I quite enjoy my job and going to work and making a positive contribution to a vital public service gives me a lot of job satisfaction. As I said previously I have already made the mistake of rushing back to work too quickly but I am acutely aware that I cannot wait to get up to 100% before going back.

I have had six counselling sessions which have been arranged through the Employment Assistance Program - some of it was helpful and some not so much.

I am lucky I have numerous good friends who have been very supportive - one close friend in particular has been just wonderful.