Only if you have time. Thank you. I had a read on the description on the NHS website and it could be I have it but would need to be diagnosed by a physciatrist. The recommended treatments are ads and cbt. I'm on ads but they aren't really helping yet. Still early days since I increased my dosage. And I'm having councelling. I will see if I can bring myself to talk about it in my next session tomorrow. I've always felt very embarrassed talking about my appearance. I have bought up my issue of my jaw misalignment problem in councelling but she told me she can't see it. I have a class 3 malocclusion otherwise known as an underbite. As a teenager I was severely bullied for having a long chin and was called all sorts of names. This always stuck with me and made me angry and upset with my appearance. To top that off I had acne as a teenager but that went. I'm embarrassed of my smile and if I have to be in photos I have worked out a way to smile so you don't see this underbite. It's been destressing me for a long time. I went through a few years when I accepted it and didn't think about it. But the feelings about myself have creeped back that I will be prepared for serious surgery to correct it. As well as appearance it causes me discomfort. I bite my tongue and cheek because my top jaw is too narrow and my back teeth rest on my tongue. I breath through my mouth and struggle to breath through my nose. This could be because of the structural defect. I really hate it so much that its been on my mind since last October when I first saw an orthodontist. I've obsessed about it alot and read up all about the treatment and joined a support group on FB for those with similar.

As well as not liking my facial features I am not happy with my body. I struggle to find clothes to make me feel good. I'm small and all my excess weight is around my middle. I feel out of proportion and I don't like what I see. I'm overweight but it's not helping that I am craving junk and binge eating. I was drinking which didn't help but I've massively reduced that.
I just don't and can't feel good about myself. I don't know how to.

I don't know if all this is due to low self esteem or if I have a genuine problem known as body Dysmorphia and if I need to be finding a way to help myself.
I also get paranoid around people. Constantly thinking that they must be thinking bad about me. I hate the attention on me in group situations or meetings because I don't want people looking at me.

Does any of this make sense