Talia woke me up this morning. I got up went to the toilet came back to the bedroom to get dressed and by that time she was back to her sleep beautiful impersonation. Starting to worry about everything being closed today. Living on my own with virtually no human contact is one thing when you choose to live that was but even I need to get out of the house for my sanity to go get something to eat or see if the local shop has anything interesting in. Now these small freedoms have been taken away and it sucks. All the times I’ve been told to get out of the house and do stuff for my own well-being and the aid with my mental health and now I’m being forced to do the opposite. It’s one thing being locked up with your family for company and society in general I think needs this, not just cos of the virus but for family bonding, but for those of us who have no one it’s harder than you could imagine.