We will.

When his parents dropped them off on Saturday, T came and sat on the kitchen counter while I cooked their tea and we had a long chat. I made it very clear to him that if things ever got too much for him there, he never has to worry about me wanting them there, that it will always be his home and if he wanted to live there all the time he never has to worry about me saying no. Maybe not what I should have done but it felt right to offer him that reassurance. He's not happy about her calling her bf and his daughter their family, he's not happy about her mother telling him that all he needs is Cruella and her bf, and he's not happy about her mother talking about Toby dying or not needing Toby (J's twatcat). In fact, they only got dropped off with Cruella a little after 5 and he's already rang J in tears begging him to go pick him up as the minute he walked in the house she started screaming at him for forgetting to do some jobs before he left on saturday... He's talked to us about some of his memories this weekend and they nearly all involve her shouting at J. He used to go up to his room to play but it turns out what he really did was lay on his bedroom floor with his ear to the floor listening to her shout and scream at J as he was scared about what she'd do. And the bit that upset me the most was when I told him that his feelings were just as important as the adults feelings, he said he didn't feel important and he doesn't feel like he is to his mum or her mum. I gave him the hugest hug.

He nearly made me cry yesterday though. We went for a 2 mile walk in the country (will post some pics of the area around my new home later), we got home, helped him with homework, did tea and then settled down to watch the Titfield Thunderbolt with popcorn before bed. J went in to say goodnight after A's stories had been sorted and I heard him say...

"goodnight daddy. I love you. You're the best. Tell Kerry she's the best too"
