Hello there!!

Ok, well botox didnt work, lol! Theyre not sure why, the physio thinks it could be because my muscles are too far gone and my neurologist thinks it could just be that my system doesnt respond to it (I would think its the second option). So, to make sure it doesnt work (they have to follow a process) they gave me a small amount of botox for my toes on monday which is...fine, don't really expect it to do anything, lol. The plan now is to try nerve blocks so that they can see which part of the muscle is doing what, but thats not gonna be for another 3 months so...yeah! Thats it so far. It does feel like we're getting somewhere, at least theres an alternative to botox that they can try - again, doesnt always work, but at least they can give it a shot.

Anyway!! Hope everyone is doing well - catch ya in a bit, guys.
