She didn't add me/accept me. He's like blocked me from all his social media / our work group chat and everything. The one in the middle of us two is still kind leaning to be with him and his clique etc while still be chatty to me etc.

I obviously don't want to leave (and can't afford to perhaps have no job for a while), and almost as a respect to the other party not go further at work as then more people will probs find out, then there is huge resentment from both sides and I'm hoping it does sort out to be more cordial, if I'm not sounding daft. I've got a doc appointment for something else but it's 2.5 weeks away (nature of trying to get an appointment).

My GF had to call me this morning to talk me into the car and to start the car and drive in the direction for work. Had an awful stare corridor exchange earlier. Such a brutal stomach to the floor feeling all the time.