I dont know if this is allowed but I cant put the entire story and its impossible for me to shorten it.. Ive placed it here on reddit a while ago but no one responded so here it is:


I tried posting my situation on different forums but nobody ever responded.. I just dont know what to do. Should I tell them how I feel? That I feel used and stuff? I'm scared that they will accuse me of wanting an attention again. And I'm really sad again because I asked if they wanted to go out and have a beer or something and they didnt respond. And then I learned that they had gone out for that beer but without me. I just dont know what I did wrong ive done everything they wanted everytime they needed help I helped them..I dont know why they hate me so much..And the voices are getting stronger every minute I feel down because of them.. I just believe that if they realized how I feel and if they accepted it I would feel better too.. But I'm so scared..