today is going pretty good so far.

yesterday, both me and my carer got a good amount of sleep (in fact my carer was up first)

when she walked in to the room she was very impressed to discover I'd stayed relatively clean, and because of that, getting ready didn't take us long

for breakfast I had a healthy fruit salad (pairs, grapes, peaches and plums), and rachel had some cerial

after breakfast we just talked and listened to what was going on outside (the birds, the traffic, the people walking by) etc

we are having a quiet day today. I need to reserve my energy because tomorrow we are going to an army museum, but I am feeling pretty good and relaxed at the moment and that's the main thing. I litirally have no plans for today so: no need to stress about things not happening

for dinner rachel is cooking me hawaiian chicken (it's a recipie I found and liked), so I have it more often now