When he's at home he can't switch off. His mind races from one topic to the next and I struggle to keep up. He can be very loud - shouting in excitement about things on TV out of the blue and any spare time is spent gaming and getting fired up. It can be very erratic. Even with all the ups and downs of his mum when she was here he seemed more stable and calm.

We've both been researching emotional blunting and wonder if this is what's causing the lack of feeling and emotions. I think it's a mix of that plus the immense stress we've both been though as a couple over the past year which we cannot underestimate (I think he does underestimate this). I think he's encased himself in a bubble emotionally to protect himself and doesn't know how to burst it. But the stress is gone between us now. Instead of associating me and home with stress and tension it can be calm and fun again like it was.

It's hard to watch the person you love not feeling & getting stressed and more than anything wanting him to feel for me again. He went to the doctors yesterday to discuss coming off the tablets (30 mg) as he says he is desperate to feel again and wants us to be ok. The doctor said said the feelings might come back or they might not.

He's been seeing a counsellor for about 4 months now but it doesn't seem to be helping. The odd session seems to help but usually comes back not wanting to talk and seems even more confused about us every time. Sometimes he has gone and hasn't been able to say anything at all he says.

I feel like I'm living in a constant limbo and praying the feelings return and he gets well again. He is a beautiful person with a loving partner, beautiful children and such a bright future ahead of him. I just wish he could see