Thank you all for your support. I do go card making classes, one is every other Wednesday evening after work and the other one is Friday morning so I can go there when I am on leave from work. I always spend all of Christmas with my family but they don't do anything for Easter. I have just met a friend for coffee though and he said he will come and visit me on Easter Sunday if the buses are few and far between and I can't get to town, so that's a start

Prozac has always suited me and I fear change incase in makes my mood worse (this did happen once years ago when I was put on different meds to try). However, my moods are more up and down to the extreme at times and doing rash things isn't always a good thing.

I do keep a diary as in I write when I feel like it (apart from a calendar type diary where I note appointments and also note if I've taken extra meds etc). But I do get paranoid about writing too deep things in my journal, I never used to do, its just something else that's popped up for me to get paranoid about in recent years.