
I am not pushing anything, I am offering it as possible help. I have posted it once and replied reasonably to every response.

And, it's not like I came on here and said pills are a waste of time and psychiatrists are, too, and science is wrong and my theory is the answer to everyone's problems and if you don't listen to me, you'll never be better.

And, if I am right and the chiropractors are right, then chiropractors do have something to do with mental health.

And I am the source for this theory. Do you want a DNA sample as proof? Sheesh.

Allalone and Paula,

Well, I know that my depression is worse at times than at others.

And all that trauma in my childhood is only an issue if I'm thinking about it. That's what I am saying is the problem with physical depression. It's making me think about it. It's presenting it to my conscience as a possible reason for why I am feeling the way I do.

If I am having a rage day, this might all be brought to the surface (I think I mentioned that one job is one-stop shopping and I usually just rage against that). I would be enraged by it all. But, if I went to these memories on purpose and thought about them, I wouldn't be enraged. I am more forgiving normally than that. I'd make excuses in my mind for my father (it was a different time / he might have been gay himself etc) and shoulder some of the blame for my actions and putting it more into context and realize that I don't remember everything and what I have forgotten might put everything in a different light. I'm not as forgiving when I feel enraged and it's just throwing at me things that enrage me. And I think the brain is throwing anything unresolved that might be the problem for how you're feeling, if nothing is happening now that's got you enraged. It's trying to help you solve a physical feeling but it's not going to do it with thoughts and could be making matters worse if you act upon your reactions from what you're thinking.