Thanks for putting up my post. As one psychiatrist put it, 'You have absolutely no mental issues. None that I can treat. If there is something wrong with you, you are doing it to yourself.'. I have been on a couple of other medications. They just don't help. No effect starting them, and I quit both the Effexor (highest dosage) and Prozac (2nd highest dosage) cold turkey after a year and nothing. I can't remember the other ones.

This theory would be more for the people who are sitting there thinking about something like what someone said to them at work 30 years ago. Where you are constantly thinking about issues that have no relevance, anymore, other than they just keep popping into your head making you mad, again, and again, and again. It wouldn't apply to people suffering the real depression of a tragedy or loss.

As for a support network, never heard of it. (LOL) It's hard to get support when you're the happiest person people know. When I'm engaged with them.

Thanks, I'll be interested to see what anyone else thinks of it.

I hope your husband is doing better. And you as well.